Saturday, July 2, 2016


In the two groups that I'm part of on facebook for hip dysplasia, I see new moms almost daily. I was that new mom. Before finding out what was wrong with Pip, I never knew about hip dysplasia. I didn't think I had to worry about it. Then, it did happen. And I was that scared new mom seeking answers. Wanting to know. I still am that scared mom. I shared Pip's and our story once again this morning to a new mom. Ours was a late diagnosis, but not as late as some. It was too late, or maybe it was too severe, for the pavlik harness. Our only option at first was surgery and a cast. And I remember thinking that would be the only one. Hoping that would be the only treatment she needed. Then devastated when it wasn't. Then even heartbroken when we found out the brace did nothing to help and she needed another surgery.

Now, now we sit here and hope again that once this plate is removed, that's it. It'll be done.

To that new mom expierencing this for the first time.. Breathe. It's just a rollercoaster.

Some babies need minimal treatments, some need more extensive. It's a rollercoaster of a ride and you really are going into it blind. But, like most rollercoasters, the scary parts tend to be over quickly.. but may sneak back up on you later on in the ride.

Good luck mama, stay strong. Our hipsters are just that. Strong.

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