Wednesday, January 6, 2016

By now you should've somehow realized what you gotta do

My alarm went off at 515 this morning. I got up, got ready, got the hubs up and then went to get pip up. She really isn't a morning person. I mean, she's get mother's daughter for sure! She'll Sleep until 8 if not later if we'd let her. I love sleep, too.

Everyone was in the car by 545. Alek was at pop's overnight so he wouldn't be up so early for school. We headed to Pensacola. And with it being so early, we got there about 30 minutes early. So we took a longer route and got there with about ten minutes to spare.

Second to check in, and once we got checked in we got straight into the room for pre stuff. The nurse and I talked a bit about how this wasn't our first rodeo. She was sedated 3 times before this. Once for her first MRI and then for surgery day and then once again for cast change. So I wasn't worried(too much) about that. I was worried about how she'd do leaving us. And well, she did better than either of us expected. But then again it only takes under 30 seconds to be knocked out by the gas they give.

So at like 810 I strapped her into a little pink car with kitty it only took a little protesting, and she was pushed into one door while the hubs and I left out the other. I got teary eyed and about 5 minutes later the nurse came out and told us she did fine and they'd call us when they were done.

We went to the cafeteria to get food and ate while I informed everyone. By quarter of 9 we headed back to the waiting room to wait another hour. Little to our knowledge as soon as we sat down, my phone vibrated. They were done and we could go back to the recovery room.

She still needed to wake up on her own so we sat there and talked with the nurse. About a few things, pip being a preemie, our whole ordeal back then, and our hip journey so far. She woke up about 930 and immediately grabbed the oxygen mask and handed it to me. Then pulled at the oxygen monitor on her toe. The nurse removed that and the blood pressure cuff and of course Lainee's hand flew for the IV. I stopped her and she got mad, but I kept telling her the nurse would get it out soon. She did and wrapped gauze around her hand rather than a bandaid and Lainee wanted that off too.

By 945 we were back in the car and heading to get her some food. And to think that would have been about the time she'd be going in for registration. So glad we took the earlier offer. Now the next appointment will be on Wednesday. And the nurse brought up an interesting question... If he cuts her femur to shorten her left leg, what if the right leg grows longer later?

Hoping for quiet thoughts until then.

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