So we've been trying a couple of things to get into a routine. And just when I thought I had it figured out, I get thrown through a loop. So. Here I am. 5 am. With a wide awake baby while the rest of the house sleeps.
I know I wouldn't trade being called mommy for any job title in the world. And I'm doing what I've wanted to do, stay home with my children. But it's getting tiring when I still do all the work and if I ask for help I get "you wanted this". Yes, well, if I wanted to be a single stay at home mother.. I won't go there. He provides money. Which is needed to run things around here.
Which is why I am attempting to work from home by being a consultant for Jamberry nails. Any extra income would be great. And if I can profit enough from it come September and not go back to work or go back part time I'll be happy.
Curious to what I'm talking about?
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