Monday, July 25, 2016

Seriously silly.

Today we had Pip's pre-op appointment. It went smoothly, they were shocked when we told them about her tooth.

We got our time, and when to check in. 6am check in, 8am surgery. We should only be staying Thursday night, so that should be easy. No food or drink after midnight but they changed the clear fluids rule: she can have clear fluids up to two hours prior.. interesting.

I think we're opting to drive from home Thursday morning and just sleep in the hospital room Thursday night with her. We usually stay at the Ronald McDonald House, and I put in a request, but the hubs said it will be cheaper and less tasking on Friday.

This way the only day I'm missing for work is Thursday. So that's a positive. And we only need someone to look after the dogs Thursday and Friday until we get home. Another positive.

I'm still getting nervous as each day comes to a close. But I keep reminding myself it's a shorter procedure and an easier one than cutting her femur and placing it was.

The nurse also called today. She asked why it's coming out so soon.. well let's see, her bone is completely healed.. and she's getting too tall for it. It's crazy to think in only 6 months she's too tall for it, and her bone is completely healed.

Wish us luck, and hope she's up and moving quickly again. Next update will be after surgery!

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