Today started out with me going to sleep. I always have difficulty sleeping the night before Pip's surgeries. Who wouldn't? I finally went to sleep after midnight, just to be woken up by Pip at 230 am. Was she anxious? Or restless? Who knows. She went back to sleep fairly quickly and I went back as well. 415 the alarm went off. The hubs and I got up and ready, then woke her up by 430. By 445 we were in the car and heading to Pensacola.
Check-in went fairly quickly, and as always she went above and beyond to make Pip a "princess bracelet" and let Kitty have one, too. We got to Pre-op holding and I saw one of my old PICU nurses. She must've spread the word, because a few minutes later the nurse I begged to stay with me during Pip's delivery was walking into the room. I got seriously teary eyed, it's crazy. We had to retell our story to the anesthesiologist. And we waited. And waited. Like always, everyone was waiting on Dr. Ferris, and like always he's last to show. Which is fine by me. As long as he does what he does great and no complications, let him be last to see us.
They gave her versed again, but this time we didn't have a lot of time before they came back to get her. She went with the nurse instead in the crib, and by the time we followed the nurse with the crib she was already gone through the doors to the OR. We went to the waiting room to wait for the call that they got started, then headed down to grab breakfast.
Another hour and a half later, they called to take us back to her in recovery. Once there the nurse said she had our discharge paperwork. Wait.. Discharge? As in, go home with a new operated on child? Uhh... So Dr. Ferris came by and we talked. Bone looks great, when he did the arthrogram the hip socket looks to be forming great still. I was relieved. He also must know us pretty well, because he said the hardware was being cleaned up so we could have it.
Discharged before noon, and not really a word about her leg. She was more worried about her IV "boo-boo" like usual. We left Pensacola and came back to Crestview, stopping at Wal-Mart to put in her script and wait for it. We took turns carrying her around the store, where she asked for cookies, to walk, and to go potty. She only got the cookie request fulfilled. Way too soon to try to let her walk, and I was unsure about the pottying there, if she asks again while we're home we'll try it.
We came home and ate, then took a 3 hour nap - getting up at 6pm. Pip's in her bean bag chair now, playing with legos. I had to give her a dose of her heavy meds because I don't think Tylenol will be cutting it right now. She'll be bouncing back in no time. Just gotta keep the dressing on her leg on for 5 days, so we'll be living in our footed pjs until then. He'll see her back in two weeks for an Xray.
It's only uphill from here, UP.
The hardware. :)