Monday, November 21, 2016

I do it, mommy.

Tomorrow morning we'll wake up and make a big fuss. My baby will be 3 tomorrow. It's extremely hard to fathom, that 3 years have passed. My 3.3 lb baby is now 28 lbs. She's gone from 15-16? Inches (not 100% on this one unless dig out the papers) to 37 inches. She's been through SO, so much in her 3 years of life - fighting for her life early on, three hip surgeries, two casts, losing a tooth early😣. And nothing has kept her down. "I do it, mommy, I do it." And she always will. She is my baby girl and my last baby forever. One third of my heart, one reason I fought like hell to remain here 3 years ago.

She's always been that independent girl from the start. Once she figured out she could do it, we had a hard time stopping her! I'm sure her stay in NICU was similar. I remember the nurses and the hubs telling me she'd pull out her feeding tube all the time. I'm sure others did as well, but my girl's stubborn. Just like get momma (and daddy😊).

This child potty trained herself in a matter of days, got rid of her pacifier(with slight help) completely in a few days.. I'm sure she'll be teaching herself how to ride a bike soon enough! She's passionate about animals, loves her big brother, mommy and daddy, and ask her grandparents. She has a creative mind, and loves to use it. I'm amazed watching her, and her brother grow into people. Good people.