Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Still chugging.

It's been awhile.. Pip is doing awesome still. Her incision has healed very nicely, and she milks the "boo-boo" periodically. I'm sure it does ache or feel weird in its own way but it seems like it flares up when she gets in trouble.

She's been walking nicely every since the appointment. At first I was getting very concerned because her left foot would be turned out but it seems to be correcting itself.

She still limps a bit, and I'm sure watching her people think she's a first time walker. This is one of those things that will never be noticed. Which I guess it good.. but also bad? I know going through life explaining stuff is difficult and annoying. I get looks a lot because of the scars on on my neck and arm. So I'm hoping Pip won't have to explain later on.

We recently returned from a weekend trip. And I've started taking the bink expect for naps and bedtime. So far it's been decent once she realizes she doesn't need it. Which is about an hour after I take it. That first hour is spent repeatedly asking for it and whining. My goal is to completely take it after these pins and stuff is removed. She'll be close to 3.. but I don't know if I should take that crutch away just yet..

Potty training is on my list too. I wanted to start that this week as well but I'm trying to find a schedule. I feel quite.. overwhelmed. There's so much I want to do and trying to figure out when to do it is hard. I only have so many hours in the day.. and there is certain times I need to be somewhere with school and work. And then there is cleaning, cooking and working out.. and vegging out. Because we all need to relax sometimes!

So far my stress is low. Next appointment is April 12th.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Be ~ a ~ u ~ ti ~ ful!

Tuesday we went in for a post op checkup. After a run around with the insurance company, I gladly found out that for this kind of procedure she will be covered for 90 days post op as long as it's the same area he's looking at. So that took a lot of stress off my shoulders.

This was by far the longest wait we ever had to endure. But we were last appointment. We had xrays done and apparently her leg is looking amazing! There's already bone growth! He also wanted to see her walk so he pretty much chased her in his chair while I held her hands to help her walk. We go back in six weeks.

Speaking of walking.. I guess him chasing her did something because now she's walking around with no help most of the time. She's pushing all my expectations. And to think I wanted her in a cast. Ha.

The Dr is even hoping this will be her last major surgery. Good to know that he's with us instead of saying it's unclear. It's still really hard to look at these xrays and know it's your baby's leg. Really hard.