Thursday, September 25, 2014

My beautiful girl

We close in on month 4 in a cast. How crazy right? In 6 days we go for a check. Probably an xray. And lots has happened in the past month.

About 3 weeks ago we got pip's ears pierced! She did amazing! Didn't cry on the first ear and only cried for about 2 minutes on the second! I was so proud. But I'm also worried. Because she might need another mri or the cast might come off before 12 weeks. I guess we'll hit those bumps when they come.

Pip turned 10 months old on monday! Crazy. To me she feels 8 months. But that might be because I didn't get to see her for almost two months.

Annnnd, I started back to work on Tuesday. I go in an hour after the hubs gets out. Which makes finding a babysitter easy. And I only work 3 hours. Downsides? I close - out at 6, which means hubby has to cook and it's a late dinner. It'll be small paychecks.. but that's ok. I have to wear a uniform again.. wouldn't it be awesome to work in your pjs outside of the home? Upsides? I get a 4 hour break from my house. I still deal with kids - too many, not two. I socialize with other adults! Annnnd I'm getting paper (haha).

Overall, I'm tired. But it's a slight welcome tired.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Broken, but not showing it!

Lainee got a second cast put on Thursday. It went a lot smoother than I anticipated. She went back early. They got the iv in her hand on the first try! She got a bath! Annnnd another cast. Dr said the arthrogram went better than he anticipated. Her hip does not want to pop in and out of place, but the socket is still too shallow. But the cartilage around the bone is formed nicely and it's looking promising. Which meant he could cast her differently.

My little zombie baby. It looks like she's dragging her left leg. Or dancing. We'll go with zombie baby. But the cast is bigger in the waist - I can fit to my wrist down the front. And bigger in the feet. Probably because he knows if she has to spend 12 weeks straight in this one I'd knock him out with small feet openings. My baby isn't going to have purple feet this time.

The best part? She fits in her car seat! - the one made for all this. AND her high chair! I was so elated. That means probably no spica table. She goes back in 4 weeks for an x ray and to talk to him.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Went in to today's appointment thinking it was going to go well. When they took us to a room instead of the cast room my heart sank. I knew the cast wasn't coming off today. Knew it. And I started getting angry. My baby girl's feet are turning purple every time she is up right. My mommy gut clawed the drs eyes out multiple times during our talk.

Her hip socket is still too shallow. So she needs a second cast. Fine. Ok. In two weeks.. The wheels came screeching to a stop. I wanted to scream at this dr. I said no multiple times. I stressed that her feet are starting to scare me.. he left to leave the scheduler to come in.

I cried. Not because a second cast is going on. Kinda because my daughter very well may be celebrating her 1st birthday in a stupid cast.  And kinda because my baby will probably roll over for the first time after her 1st birthday.  Heartbreaking. I was mostly crying because I couldn't see her feet purple for another two freaking weeks.

In comes the scheduler. She said we have two options. One - a squeeze in on Thursday. I, again, came to a halt. I asked what time then immediately said yes no matter the time. So 730 on Thursday morning we check in. They'll put her under and remove the cast. Then inject her hip with dye, manipulate it around a bit, then recast. Although the P.A. said there is a small chance after the dye and manipulating they might choose a brace. My hopes aren't there. I'm ok with a second cast. I wasn't ok waiting 2 weeks to get it.

So. I also asked what happens if this next cast doesn't help either. That's when they go in and cut a part of her hip and form the socket. So, a third cast and pins. Lovely. :/

Ready for Thursday to be done and over.  Ready for the cast to be behind us.  Ready for my daughter to walk, crawl, scoot, hell just sit up or roll over.

I believe a spica table is in our near future as well.